Get Moving: The Best Exercises for a Healthy Heart

You can do many things to maintain a healthy heart, including eating a heart-healthy diet, reducing stress, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising. But exercise doesn’t have to be done in a gym; there are many ways to get your body moving that are fun and positively impact your heart health. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Exercise for Heart Health

  • Boosts cardiovascular efficiency – Regular exercise leads to a stronger heart that is able to pump blood more efficiently.
  • Lowers blood pressure – Physical activity helps reduce blood pressure, which decreases strain on the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves cholesterol – Exercise can help improve your HDL (good cholesterol) and lower your LDL (bad cholesterol).
  • Helps manage weight – Increasing your activity, even a little bit, helps manage weight. Losing even a few pounds can also contribute to healthier cholesterol levels.
  • Reduces inflammation – Exercise has a protective effect against chronic inflammation.
  • Reduces stress – Exercise can trigger the release of endorphins, a natural mood elevator. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.
  • Better sleep quality – Our bodies were made to move! Regular exercise can help improve the quality of your sleep. Just don’t exercise too close to bedtime.

Try These Activities for a Healthier Heart

  • Aerobic exercise – No, this doesn’t have to be Jazzercise or running! Any activity that gets your heart rate up, such as brisk walking, dancing, swimming, Zumba, or aqua aerobics, counts. Find something you enjoy.
  • Resistance training – Again, you don’t have to pick up heavy weights. Body-weight exercises and resistance bands are a great way to incorporate resistance training into your routine. As you get stronger, you can progress to heavier weights.
  • Yoga – Yoga helps with strength, mobility and relaxation. Remember, the purpose of yoga is not to force yourself into uncomfortable positions but to meet yourself where you are and give your body the opportunity to relax.


Heart Healthy Activities at Ginger Cove

At Ginger Cove, our residents have dozens of weekly opportunities to participate in fitness-focused activities that fit every preference. To help our residents care for their health, we offer a monthly Nutrition Education Series hosted by Rachel Amos, our registered dietician at Ginger Cove. During this series, our residents learn simple ways to make heart-healthy changes to their diets. February’s topic is superfoods! To see our monthly activity calendar, click here. To schedule a tour and learn more about how you can live your best life at Ginger Cove, call us today.


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