A Career Dedicated to Safer Skies for All

Meet Denise Lindenhall.

Denise Lindenhall spent a good part of her life in the skies. We’re thrilled that she and her husband Lars eventually landed here, at Ginger Cove.

Born in Brockton, MA, Denise attended boarding school just outside of Boston. Upon graduation, she knew she wanted to learn the latest technology skills to land a job, so she studied business and computer science. When she completed her studies, she headed to Europe, where she worked for the US government near the border of Germany and Belgium. There, she was also able to express her passion for classical ballet, as a member of a Belgian dance troupe.

She returned to the US after a few years and began climbing the ladder toward her goal: helping others and saving lives, just as her father did in WW2 – while also seeing the world. She landed a job at Eastern Airlines, starting as a flight attendant, and working her way up to train staff on emergency procedures in all flight situations.

Working at Eastern, and later, Delta and USAir, she visited destinations on six continents. “My father is French, so Paris is my favorite place on Earth. But I also love New York City, where I lived for a while, Arizona, New Mexico and of course, New England.”

While at Delta and USAir, Denise became friends with a coworker, Lars Lindenhall. As soon as they began dating, he was sent off to the Gulf War, as the air force was activated. When he came back from his tour of duty in 1995, they were married. “Before our wedding, I actually had had a very serious accident – I fell and broke both legs. I ended up getting married on crutches!”

Denise and Lars found a home in the Annapolis area, where Lars continued his career as a pilot with Northwest Airlines. As they moved into the retirement years, they knew they wanted to make a lifestyle change. Denise visited many senior communities, studying their business models and comparing how their offerings met the couple’s needs. They chose Ginger Cove.

“There’s definitely a sense of security here, and it’s also very, very active here. The people are both interesting – and interested. Also, we moved here during COVID, and I have to say, I feel so much safer here than I did in our condo, since they’re doing an incredible job taking care of everyone and everything. We have a beautiful home here. And we know, no matter what happens, it will all work out.”


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